Spire's Lore

I seek to compile the efforts of my decades of research, travels, and countless tales passed down through generations of oral tradition in this document. Perhaps after I am long gone, another student of history will manage to solve the mysteries of the past I could not. Dragons are something we scholars know little about. I have spent a long time studying what remains of them; analyzing the ambrosia which is said to be their blood — I have even found armour which is claimed to be made from their scales. They ruled all of Spire circa 1200 years ago, and had been living here for at least one thousand years, according to the age of the oldest known drakonion artifact. All of humanity lived as a slave race subjugated by dragons at that time. However, the dragons all disappeared with no traces 1100 years ago, To be more accurate, they were wiped out; slaughtered and erased from the world by our distant ancestors, the rebels who gained the first Artifacts. The majority of legends point towards a party of seven heroes armed each with seven Blessings and one dragon-slayer level weapon. Such a party would indeed have tremendous power in their possession, yet I find it difficult to believe they wiped out an entire race of creatures as grandiose as dragons on their own. I am more inclined to believe that the dragons fought a dreadful war amoungst themselves, and the remains of the dragon population lost against the legendary party. The question has often been posed as to the origins of the Heroes, and who they were. They gained their powers and items from Lycoroila, which is a well of power located on what is now the border of the Samurai and Roman kingdom. It was where the dragon monarchs stored enormous amounts of power; apparently preparing seeking to open portals to the netherworld and conquer it. The Heroes are said to have snuck into Lycoroila and absorbed all the power contained within, much to the distress of the dragons. Unfortunately, the personal pasts of each Hero is something we know little of, but it is said that some of them kept journals in which they would record their thoughts. Perhaps if these journals could be found, we would gain much useful information about our past. It is after the defeat of the dragons that the first generations established the three kingdoms we know today; the Vikings, Samurai, and Romans. It is understood that each kingdom was founded by one of the members of the legendary party of seven, which is why the emperors claim the divine right to rule to the present day. The three kingdoms were only established after a war between the seven heroes, who fell out with each other. They utilized their mythical weapons, armour, and Blessings to fight for more than a decade (it is uncertain whether it was a decade or three years.) Three emerged victorious, while four were slain. The power these men wielded were interesting; in the present day, we only know of three types of Blessings, and this is because it is assumed that three victors merged the losers' Blessings with their own. After the war passed, the victors signed a treaty, and split the land into three kingdoms. The first Samurai Emperor was Tori Nujo. The first Roman Emperor was Orang Cyx, and the first Viking Emperor was Markas Brynja. Their descendants have ruled the three kingdoms for the past one thousand years. Due to the unique dragon-slayer level items each emperor holds, it has proven impossible in one thousand years of history for one kingdom to ever dominate the other two kingdoms; however, as we know, this does not prevent the kingdoms from constantly clashing swords in a thirst for territory. A final note; I have in my travels tried to record whatever dragon-slayer level items I have found: There are many more — these are just weapons —, but I fear I do not have the time to conclusively record them now. I hear the footsteps creaking up my tower stairs; I have been discovered— Page found in the journals of Professor Soulis Nyx.